[su_spoiler title=“English version“ style=“fancy“] The cold but still quite comfortable night is followed by a freezing morning. Getting started becomes to a pretty hard task. But as soon as Anja and Nadine are up and hiking they are getting warmer by the minute and start feeling […]
[su_spoiler title=“English version“ style=“fancy“] The Trail continues from Neels Gap to Low Gap und goes on all the way to Blue Mountain Shelter. The weather is cold, but Anja and Nadine get warm through hiking. Every day that passes brings them closer to the border between […]
[su_spoiler title=“English version“ style=“fancy“] After two relaxing days at the Blood Mountain Cabins they get back on the track. The sun is shining and they are eager to proceed. But it soon becomes clear that they are heading towards the absolute contrasting programme, compared to the […]
The next morning things are looking much better. The ankle is not swollen anymore and Anja can walk normally again. It seems there is nothing standing in the way of a good and long hike now. But a look out of the tent proves them wrong. […]
[su_spoiler title=“English version“ style=“fancy“] As can be expected the inevitable happened: If they don’t keep you from your journey at the Atlanta Airport, your ankle definnitely does the trick. After all the trail leads over hill and dale, thus the next injury is just around the […]
[su_spoiler title=“English version“ style=“fancy“] The Approach Trail is 12 km long and connects Amicalola Falls State Park with Springer Mountain, a 1148 m high mountain of the Blue Ridge Mountains in northern Georgia. The starting point of the Appalachian Trail is situatid here. To reach Mount […]
[su_spoiler title=“English version“ style=“fancy“] After a night in a hotel near the Atlanta Airport the route leads north. The destination – the Amicalola Lodge in the Amicalola Falls State Park, Dawsonville, Georgia – is only a two hour drive from here and it is the perfect point […]
Der März 2018 beginnt für uns hier auf KuKu über den Wolken. Denn dort sind Anja und Nadine auf dem Weg in ein Wanderabenteuer der besonderen Art. Für die nächstne 180 Tage werden wir in mehr oder weniger regelmäßigen Abständen von ihrer Reise in die USA […]
[su_spoiler title=“English version“ style=“fancy“] The year is 2018 A.D. The entire city of Billund is still asleep … Well, not the entire LEGO-city. At the airport there is a hustle and bustle. The plane to Frankfurt is just about to set off. On board are two […]
Two Women, 2200 Miles, 14 States, 180 Days … and a trail that we will get to know in a special way this year, as we will be following Nadine and Anja every step of their way along the Appalachian Trail – one of the longest […]

Exklusiv auf KuKu

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